

 Fehér Cimborák Bernát genannt "Pyry"


lebt in Finnland


November 2010

Pyry genießt das Herumtollen und die Weite des Strandes!


 Na, bin ich nicht ein toller Kerl geworden? 3 Jahre alt und endlich erwachsen!
Und meine Tochter schlägt schon voll nach mir ...


Nach dem Herumtollen und Spielen mit Pipsa habe ich es mir wohl redlich verdient,
auf Daunen gebettet zu werden, oder?


Und so machen wir es immer auf den Ausstellungen:
Erst die Vorstellung im Showring, dann den ersten Platz belegen,
und sich dann gemütlich von Frauchen durchkraulen lassen, während wir auf die Papiere warten ...
September 2010
Kleine Schlammfee, ganz wie Papa Pyry


Pyry trifft auf einer Ausstellung seine Tochter wieder,
und diese kommt ganz auf ihren Vater und holte schon die erste Schleife

Auch Pyry ist dort wieder sehr erfolgreich!

Pyry vor seinem neuen Gefährt.
Damit lässt es sich nun ganz bequem von Ausstellung zu Ausstellung reisen, findet er jedenfalls!
Sein Konterfei schmückt nun das Auto!

Nach beinahe 2 1/2 Jahren habe ich nun auf der Welthundeausstellung in Herning / Dänemark "Pyry" wieder gesehen!
Es war ein bewegender Moment, "Pyry" hat mich nach so langer Zeit wieder erkannt und sich, genau wie ich, riesig über unser Wiedersehen gefreut.

Er hat sich prima entwickelt und ist ein überaus schöner und typvoller (Pyry wurde in Herning Vize-Weltsieger! Ausstellungsergebnisse "hier"), aber vor allem sehr freundlicher und gelassener Vertreter seiner Rasse geworden.
Bei Tiina hat er einen tollen Platz gefunden und wenn man seine Bilder betrachtet, steht es ja wohl außer Zweifel,
dass er dort das sogenannte "große Los" gezogen hat.


Hier sieht man Pyry, wie er gelassen abwartet, während sein Frauchen das Ringgeschehen beobachtet und fotografiert.
Sie achtet kaum auf ihn und um ihm herum befinden sich jede Menge andere Hunde und viele Menschen.
Doch das alles stört Pyry nicht, denn er verlässt sich auf sein Frauchen und vertraut ihm!
Eine perfekte Mensch - Hunde -Beziehung!

Pyry und seine hübsche Tochter Pipsa genießen den Sommer!

Pyry und Pipsa gemeinsam auf Ausstellung!

Beide haben ihre Sache dort sehr gut gemacht! Pyrys Ausstellungsergebnisse findet Ihr "hier",
und auch Pipsa war auf dieser Ausstellung sehr erfolgreich:
Pipsa was BOB puppy and got HP"

"Leány" freut sich sehr über ihren überaus erfolgreichen Sohn "Pyry" und ihre hübsche Enkeltochter "Pipsa"!

Auch wir sind sehr stolz auf unsere so erfolgreiche und typvolle Nachzucht!
"Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm"
oder auch die hübsche Pipsa wird sicherlich ihrem erfolgreichen Vater nacheifern und in seine Fußstapfen treten.
Die Anlagen dazu hat sie jedenfalls ...

Pyry, ein liebevoller Vater, der mit seiner Tochter spielt

ihr alles notwendige beibringt ...
aber auch "Küsschen" verteilt!

Zitat aus Email vom 05.04.2010

... How are you doing? We're doing fine, 2 puppies are still looking for a new home, I haven't decide yet which one to keep. Pyry is still a great father and keeps on playing with them.

We've been in shows too and it has been going well.

Pyry was chosen as a Kuvazs Of The Year 2009.

We were at Tampere International show on 20.3.2010, juddge was Carl-Gunnar Stafberg from Sweden.


Strong, musculine dog of excdlent typ & nice head, correct mouth, strong body, enough ergulatios, moves well

Yesterday morning we came back from Stockholm International Show in Sweden, it went well also, we got what we wanted. Pyry became a Swedish Champion and at the same time International Champion. I won't be able to apply for the International Chapionship before I have receivad the Swedish Championship certificates.

Best male 2, CC, CACIB

Stockholm International Dog Show 3.4.2010, judge Eva Eriksson, Sweden

"Strong masculine male with beautiful well-formed head. Dark almond-shaped eyes. Good pigmentation. Strong neck. Harmonic angles. Tail ok, but could be better carried. Coat is ok, regular movements."

Pyry is very easy to travel with. He doesn't care for anything. Even on the ferry he was like he had always travelled with one.
B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry
Pyry genießt den tollen Schnee in Finnland!
B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry
B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry
Hier teilt er das Schneevergnügen mit einem seiner Kinder!
B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry B-Wurf, Bernat-Pyry
Pyry, ein liebevoller und geduldiger Vater ...
Der stolze Vater Bernát-Pyry mit seiner Kinderschar:
6 Rüden + 6 Hündinnen  --  geboren am 10.12.2009

Zitat aus Email vom 01.12.2009

...Pyry would liks to thank for the the congratulations, he got also a big hug.
Oona is fine, she is in a quite a thick condition. I believe that she is going to give a birth a bit earlier, since she is a first-timer. I'll let you know when the first ones comes.

Pyry did well in the exhibition. There were 4 kuvaszes, 3 male and 1 bitch.

Turku international show 29.11.2009
judge, Tomasz Borkowski, Poland

BOP, CC, Cacib
Bernát-Pyry genießt die "große Freiheit"!

Zitat aus Email vom 28.09.2009

... Greetings from Finland. The weather has got colder and the outdoor shows are over for this season. Now we are just waiting for the indoor shows. I’m also waiting for the freeze, so it will be dryer.

How are you doing? Gongratulations to you, Cimbo did well in the show. ... 

Everything is great with Pyry. He’s a lovely boy.We have also done pretty well in the shows. 

Tampere, Finland 19.9.2009, judge: Beradze Iuza, Georgia 

Good quality dog. Good type of head. Correct proportions but little bit short hind quarters.Not enough white chest. Correct movements. 
Intermediateclass EXC, BOB, CC

Karkkila, Finland 27.9.2009, judge: Päivi Eerola, Finland 

Very beautiful male, excellent type, impressingly handsome and strong. Pure head wedge. Excellent pigmentation, appropriate stop and ear position. Middle brown correct positioned eyes. Appropriate rear angulations. Spacy chest. Excellent coat quality. Equal movement. The tail is too high positioned when moves, otherwise very pleasant ensemble.
Intermediateclass EXC, BOB, CC



Impressionen eines schönen und sehr erfolgreichen Ausstellungstages!
Näheres dazu finden Sie "hier"!


Zitat aus Email vom 30.08.2009

... Are you having your holidays now, since I haven't heard much about you? Have you been in shows lately?

We're doing fine with Pyry. Yesterday we were in Tervakoski International Dog Show and it went great.

We had Finnish judge Tapio Eerola.



'Correct protortions, adequate limb height, uncluttered, typical head, beautifull eyes and experssion. Really deep chest, limb bones and angulations. Excellent coat. Moves well.'

When the judge came to Pyry, his first words were:"What a nice dog". He liked Pyry very much.


Zitat aus Email vom 24.08.2009

... We're doing great!

Pyry got a great rewiew in Tallinn at the  Baltiac winner show. The judge liked him very much.
Pyry recieved the 'Baltic winner' titel so now he is JW-08 W-08 BALTW-09 Fehèr Cimboràk Bernàt.

The judge was Barbara Müller from Switzerland

The verdigt:
big dog, very good bones, strong head, very good pigment, almond shaped eyes, very strong neck, good shoulder placement, very strong croupe, good tailset, moves well, nice coat, well presented

Best regards to you all

Zitat aus Email vom 10.08.2009

... How are you doing?
It's been a long time since I wrote to you. I've been thinking about you anyway.
The summer went really fast and now we're on the early fall. The schools starts next week in here. How are the schools starting in there?

We are going great with Pyry. I've put an add about the litter plans on my sites. I hope it all goes well with the puppys.

In two weeks we are heading for Tallinn, Estonia for the Baltic Winner 2009, So we'll see how that goes...
I'll send you mail again then. ...

Zitat aus Email vom 01.07.2009

... We have received the official results from the Finnish Kennel Club.

HD B, ED 0/0 free, PL (knees) 0/0 free, eyes clear. I'm very pleased with the results. I was really excited. ...

... Oona has dark brown eyes and Pyry has middle brown eyes. I've been thinking that I would mate Oona with Pyry from her next heat.
Puppys will be born in the end of december if everything goes fine.

I'm on my vacation and you could tell about Pyry that he is very happy, because I'm at home. He follows me in- and outdoors. He sleeps beside me and every now and then he pokes me with his nose.
He's so funny and lovely. ...

Zitat aus Email vom 24.05.2009

How are you doing? Are you doing well, hopefully everything has been going fine.

We are doing great and it is wonderful when the nature gets greener. You can tell about the dogs when they are enjoying. Pyry is wonderful, I can't stop praising him. He is my baby. Just a wonderful personality.

We spent the weekend with exhibitions. Pyry received good reviews on both days.

23.5.09 Helsinki, international
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth, Norway

very good type, masculine, very typical head, good front and body, good hind legs, still very unstable inhocks, excellent coat and color, moves well for his age.

VG (very good)

24.5.09 Rauma
Judge: Gabriela Ridarcikova, Slovakia

very good strong bones, nice head, excellent Topline, good tail carriage, correct chest, correct angulatied, good coat, moves well.


In Helsinki the judge said that Pyry is fat. She was the very first one to say that. I was quite surprised. That is why he got only VG.

Greetings to you all
Bernát-"Pyry" im Alter von 18 Monaten!
Bernát-"Pyry" mit seiner Partnerin "Oona".
Die Beiden sind ein Herz und eine Seele!

Zitat aus Email vom 17.05.2009

... Pyry did very well in the show.
Judge was Lilian Hanniste Estonia

"Good type & size. The head could be stronger. Correct bite. Dark eyes and pigment. A good back line and tail. Strong front and chest. A bit straight rear angulation. Correct coat. Free movement."

BOB and certification

I attached few images on Oona, Pyry and me. 

Greetings to all

Zitat aus Email vom 10.05.2009

... How are you doing? Gongratulations for Cimbos success at the show!

We are doing fine with Pyry. He is getting more handsome all the time. The show season has started up in here and we are going to quite a few. On saturday we were in Harjavalta group show, there were only two kuvaszes. Pyry got BOB and CC.

The judge was Salvatore Tripoli from Italy.

Rewiev: "Nice head. Typical skull, set of ears, good neck, body. Shart croup. Good set of tail. Good coat. Short upper & lower. Good moring."

I wish to visit a show in Germany with Pyry on summer 2010. There is a straight ferry line to Travemünde and Rostock from Finland. I wish to meet you too then.

Our next exhibition is on Sunday in Salo. Our biggest events are on august "Baltic Winner 2009" in Tallinn, Estonia and on december "Nordic Winner 2009" and "Finnish Winner 2009" in Helsinki.

Best wishes

Zitat aus Email vom 15.03.2009

... What are you doing? So nice that you have home pages in order. I go there constantly watching Pyry's siblings, whether there would be new messages about them.
We still have snow and dogs loves it.

I belong to an finnish Hungarian herding dog association called "Unkarinpaimenkoirat" and Pyry was selected for the Kuvasz of the year 2008 there.

I was in the exhibitionwith Pyry and it went well. We had a Hungarian judge Andras Korozs, he was very accurate.

Pyry's review:

Very good sized and strong boned. The heads topline is good, but slightly long muzzle. Very nice back line. A little direct angulation in the rear. Good pigment. Very good coat.


Greetings to all ...

Zitat aus Email vom 08.02.2009

... I write to you after a long time. How are you doing?
We are doing fine, we have snow and frost quite nicely. We are doing fine with Pyry. He is a great dog. We haven´t had any problems.
In January there was the Turku International Exhibition, Pyry was BOB and got CC. The judge was from Sweden and was very accurate.
Tampere International Exhibition is the next one and there Pyry can receive a CACIB. In Finland the dog should be 15 months old, before it can receive a CACIB.

How are Pyrys siblings doing? Have they visited any exhibitions? …

Januar 2009


Zitat aus Email vom Januar 2009

... Thank you for your photos. Is there a lot of snow? The temperature closes to 0°C, so I think the snow melts away. I send you a few photos on Pyry. ...


Zitat aus Email vom 14.12.2008

... I was at Helsinki Winner 2008 with Pyry yesterday. I didn´t expect anything special, because there were 6 Kuvaszes, 4 male and 2 female.
2 male came from Finland and 2 from Russia, Russians were in the open class. Pyry won his class and he became JW-08. After that we went to the best male contest. I just couldn´t believe, when Pyry won the best male contest and he became BOS, so he is also Winner 08 and received CC.
The judge said once again, that he is a typical Kuvasz.

Judge: Gunnel Holm, Finland
Evaluation: A good type and good sized junior male. Good head shape. Good ears. The eyes could be a bit darker. Good bones. Good front. Knee angulation could be better. Excellent coat quality. The tail is carried a bit high in movement.




Zitat aus Email vom 21.11.08

... Here`s few pictures of Pyry. We had our first snow yesterday.

Pyry was thrilled about it. ...



Zitat aus Email vom 17.11.08

... I decided to write to you after a while and ask how you are doing?
How have you been? And the dogs?
Any news about Pyry`s siblings?

We`re doing great. He has gained some mass on his body. He is a really nice boy.

Oona is on heat and Pyry is a bit amazed, because he is not allowed to play with her. He is quite noisy, because of that.
Pyry and Oona got some moose legs to chew from some hunters, they were really proud of them. We have huntings season for moose and reindeer going on at this moment.
I`ve had a lot of moose bones and meat for dogs.

I send you some photos, which are taken few days ago. …

September 2008

September 2008
Zitat aus Email vom 20.09.08   ... Once again the show went really well for Pyry! There was a Finnish judge Päivi Eerola, she was very exact. She loved Pyry and said, that it's nice to see a typical Kuvasz male in the ring. She said that the quality overall in Finland is poor. She will judge in a World Winner Show in Hungary. Do you know who judge Kuvaszes there?

Our evaluation in Hyvinkää 20.9-08:

BOB, CC (certificate)

-"Fab male, exc. typical dimensions, exc. bone structure, well-balanced structure and movement, exc. head type, suitable stop, good ears & eyes, exc. pigmentation, beautifull upper line, in exc. condition, exc. coat, I'm very pleased!"

Our next show is in Salo, Finland on 28.9.2008...
Zitat aus Email vom 08.09.08 …This time there was also another male in Pyry’s class. I was a bit nervous, since he was somewhat older than Pyry, 1 year and 5 months.
But there was no need to be nervous. The judge came from Croatia and the evaluation was really short.

BOB, CC (cerficate)
-”Really beautifull head, impeccable bite, good head line, strong bone
structure, coat is well maintained.”
Zitat aus Email vom 25.08.08

... First of all, I would like to thank you for this lovely dog.

Pyry had his last show as a puppy on last weekend it went well.
Summa summarum, 7 x BOB-puppy and Honorary Awards.
Our next show is in Helsinki on 6.9.08, then he is able to receive his first CAC.

In Hämeenlinna there was an Hungarian judge.
The result was BOB-puppy, Honorary Award

'Good type, nice head, a little bit large ears, lovely  eyes, well angulated fore and hind legs, strong bones, exc. coat, moves well, but the tail carriage is not all right, very promising.'

In Valkeakoski there was an Estonian judge, who liked Pyry very much. She said to me, that he is a striking beautiful male.
The result was BOB-puppy, Honorary Award

'Excellent type and very showy male puppy, for whom I would hope a successful future. Right type, a male enough head, with typical proportions, adequate cheek following ears. Good bone structure and angulations, For his age an adequately developed chest and easy movement, right type coat. In the movement, a rising tail otherwise descending. Exc. pigmentation and a right colored skin. Very promising.'

We are doing fine with Pyry. I'm on  my summer vacation for the next 2,5 weeks and enjoying to be with my dogs at home….

Zitat aus Email vom 09.08.08 …We were at the Hyvinkää in the special show for Hungarian herding dogs.

Pyry was BOB-puppy, Honorary award, BIS 4.

The judge was very exact, she measured proportions and all...

Judgement: 'Male puppy of good type. Already in good proportions. Very nice, clean head, with full muscle strong underjaw. Dark eyes. Clean black pigmentation. Enough strong neck. Exc. forechest. Enough deep chest. Good in ribs. Good leagth of loin. Correctly slopping group. Good set, length & carriage of tail. Enough good movement for the age. Coat of very good quality.'

Pyrys next shows is International Show in Hämeenlinna on 23.8.2008 and in Valkeakoski on  24.8.2008.


Zitat aus Email

vom 28.07.08


... How are you doing down there? And thanks for your wishes!
Have you found a new home for Bardos yet?
You can tell that also Pyry has got his puberty going, when we're in a forest, he doesn't always pay attention when I call him. Finally he comes. In a show ring he bites the leg of my trousers. But he will pass his puberty. Confirmation party went well, Pyry was lovely. We let him to be among the guests, he didn't care about them at all. He just said hello to them and went away, he's unbelieveable. We were on a show last weekend, I'll attach the judgement below!

Our next show is in Hyvinkää on 9.8.2008 in a special show for Hungarian herding dogs.

Pori International Dog Show 26.7.2008. Result: BOB puppy, honourable price.
Judgement: "8 months old. Nice head. Angulations & topline still in developement. Good front angulations. Adequate hind angulations. Very good coat. Correct bite."

Turku Dog Show 27.7.2008. Result: BOB puppy, honourable price.
Judgement: "8 months old. Very nice type head with correct bite. Quite good body proposion. Strong chest. Good upperline. Correct hind quarters. Very good coat type. Correct tailset. Moved well, but needs a lot of training."

The Kuvasz-folk likes his temperament and because he is going to be a big boy.

Zitat aus Email

vom 13.07.08


We were at a dogshow with Pyry in Karjaa, it was his first official show, since the age limit is 7 months, so the real showseason starts now.

The result was: honorable price, best on breed puppy.

Once again we got a good judgement: Slightly low limbed, proper bone structure, right lined head on top as well as viewed from the side, good eyes and ears, excellent pigmentation, proper upper line, rounded front, good angelations, excellent coat quality, sufficient step lenght, high positioned tail.

Next shows for us are:
26/7 International dog show, Pori
27/7 Dog show, Turku
I´ll send you some pics again.
We're doing fine with Pyry. He's very attached to me, when we're out he follow me step by step or he lays down beside my feet. He is nice also for the other members of our family, but for me he's somewhat different.

We'll see how he will relate to our guests, since we have a confirmation party on next weekend and there will a lot of strange people.

Zitat aus Email

vom 21.06.08


I'm sending few pics to you!
We doing still fine with Pyry. He enjoys to run free when we are on our saunter.
Sometimes when I call him, he's a bit stubborn to come. Then we take the opposite direction with Oona and he catches us quickly.
He has got an a amazing coat and looks good overall.

He got: 1, Best In Breed-puppy and a honorary award


Zitat aus Email vom



... Today we were in our first puppyshow in Tampere. It went really well with Pyry.
He got: 1, Best In Breed-puppy and a honorary award.
Judgement: Strong boned, precocious for his age with right dimensions. Strong head. Typical appearance. Excellent pigmentation. Typically angeled. Good body for his age. For his age an excellent coat. Alive, open natured. Moves typically.

Na, wie Ihr hier alle sehen könnt, geht es mir hier doch ganz hervorragend!!

Zitat aus Email vom 28.04.08 ... How are you all doing? Everything is going well down here with Pyry. We've been in a puppy training with him. In puppy training we got familiarized with sheep, he acted as a herd guardian should, he went close and laid down and guarded them.

We'll have our first show on 17th of may. On july the official shows will begin. I'll send you pictures from there. Do you brush Kuvaszes coat? Does your puppy eat 2 or 3 times a day? Pyry eats still 3 times a day. He weights 32 kg.

We will scribble...
Zitat aus Email vom 02.04.08 .. Here's few pictures again. Oona had her 3 years birthday and Pyry was also celebrating his 4,5 months "birthdays".
He is growing very evenly and sleeps still a lot, which is good.
We had a wolf on our yard last week, it was wondering around our kennel. It wasn't causing any problems for the dogs since they were inside at the time…
Zitat aus Email vom 23.03.08 … Everything is still going very well! Pyry is fully housetrained. He eats well. He might sleep 3 hour in a daytime. We let him sleep as much as he likes, it's said, that a puppy grows and get strenghten while they sleep. Have the other puppy owners reported, how much their puppies weight? Pyry weights 24 kg in age of 4 moths.

Zitat aus Email

vom 05.03.08


…We have finally a winter. We have snow approx 20cm and Pyry is having a lot of fun. Everything has been going really well. Oona likes him very much and she is nurturing him as well.
Zitat aus Email vom 27.02.2008 Here are some pictures of Pyry once again! He's getting along with Oona outside.
Oona is growling a bit while they are inhouse and Pyry is a bit rascal.
But overall, everything is going very well.
He's one happy puppy!
Zitat aus Email vom 24.02.08 We were on our first trip in the woods with Oona and Pyry. He is obeying my commands quite well. Our first week with Pyry has gone really well. He is fully housetrained, which is really nice.
He is really adorable and he has got a lovely nature

Pyry (alias Bernát) has begun to feel at home.

He's very lovely puppy, really wonderfull character.


Erstes Kennenlernen:
Tiina aus Finnland und ihr kleiner „Fehér Cimborák Bernát“
Es war „Liebe auf den ersten Blick“!

Autofahrt zum Flughafen

Am Flughafen
Nachdem Bernát am Anfang etwas beeindruckt war von der Atmosphäre des großen Düsseldorfer Flughafens, beobachtete er schließlich interessiert das „hektische Treiben“,

um dann in seiner Flugbox den Flug nach Helsinki zu verschlafen.

Abflug nach Helsinki

Zitat aus Email nach Ankunft im neuen Heim:

We have just arrived safely at home! Flight went really well. After the flight Pyry was allright! He was happy, waving his tail when we took him out of the box. He slept all the way in the car.
He ate all of his food, so it looks good!